Barattini Coffee Intenso ESE Pod System Compatible Maxi-Pack 150pod


Barattini Coffee Intenso Deca ESE Pod System Compatible Maxi-Pack 150pod


Barattini Coffee Intenso Deca ESE Pods System Compatible 10pod


Our capsules are compatible with Nespresso® machines but are not affiliated with or endorsed by Nespresso®

Barattini Coffee Cremoso Bean 1000g


Barattini Coffee Cremoso Bean 250g


Barattini Coffee Cremoso Caffitaly System Compatible Maxi-Pack 20cps


Barattini Coffee Cremoso Caffitaly System Compatible 10cps


Barattini Coffee Cremoso Nespresso Professional System Compatible Box 100cps


Our capsules are compatible with Nespresso® machines but are not affiliated with or endorsed by Nespresso®

Barattini Coffee Cremoso Nespresso Professional System Compatible 10cps


Our capsules are compatible with Nespresso® machines but are not affiliated with or endorsed by Nespresso®

Barattini Coffee Cremoso Nespresso Original System Compatible Maxi-Pack 30cps


Our capsules are compatible with Nespresso® machines but are not affiliated with or endorsed by Nespresso®

Barattini Coffee Cremoso Nespresso Original System Compatible 10cps


Our capsules are compatible with Nespresso® machines but are not affiliated with or endorsed by Nespresso®

Barattini Coffee Cremoso Dolce Gusto System Compatible 10cps